Poetry and prose written by Attila József
Stand-up presenter: Péter Lóránt Tóth winner of Radnóti and Latinovits Awards.
The railway station. Nobody’s land.
Outside: tracks running into the distance, rails that never join. Inside: the final wish of a soul, longing incessantly: ”If only I could just grab a ticket and travel to my inner self!…”
The helpless wait of a former foster child who missed the last train: voiced inner monologues for those who would listen and join the fray.
A novel representation of Attila József – a broad canvass about love, faith, inner peace and intransigence.
The Canadian tour is organized by the NAHC. Toronto – Ottawa – Montréal – Hamilton – Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo – Windsor |
- Friday, February 10, Toronto, Paraméter Klub • Railway Station; József Attila pódium est
- Saturday, February 11, Ottawa, Ottawai Magyar Ház • Railway Station – József Attila pódium est
- Sunday, February 12, Montréal, Első Magyar Református Egyház • A rendhagyó irodalomóra az iskolában • Railway Station – József Attila pódium est
- Tuesday, February 14, Hamiltoni Magyar Iskola • Rendhagyó irodalomóra az iskolában
- Wednesday, February 15, Cambridge, Kossuth Ház • Rendhagyó irodalomóra a Guelphi Magyar Iskola és a Kitcheneri Magyar Iskola részére
- Friday, February 17, Windsor, Mindszenty Hall • Railway Station – József Attila pódium est
- Saturday, February 18, Windsor, Magyar Iskola • Rendhagyó irodalomóra