

Founding Memebers

The National Alliance of Hungarians in Canada (NAHC) was established by the following 65 Hungarian organizations in Canada, on March 3, 2012. These organizations are the founding members and additional organizations are welcome to join.

  • Common Council of Hungarian Organizations of Calgary (incorporates 14 organizations)
  • Hungarian Canadian Club of Waterloo-Wellington
  • Calvin Hungarian Presbyterian Church, Edmonton
  • Corvin Historical Society, Edmonton
  • Hungarian Cultural Society of Edmonton (incorporates 4 organizations)
  • Hungarian Cultural Community of Lethbridge
  • Hungarian Committee of Montréal (incorporates 20 organizations)
  • Hungarian Chamber of Commerce in Canada, Montréal
  • Bethlen Gábor Literature and Friends Club, Montréal
  • Székely Cultural Association, Montréal
  • Fraternity Club of Hungarian Veterans, Montréal
  • St. László Knights Society, Montréal
  • Our Lady of Hungary Parish, Montréal
  • Hungarian Chronicle, Montréal
  • Hungarian Cultural Society of Nanaimo
  • Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre
  • Ottawa Hungarian Choir
  • Veterans of 56 Association, Ottawa
  • Calvin Hungarian Presbyterian Congregation, Ottawa
  • Order of Cavaliers, Canadian Chaper, Ottawa
  • Kaleidoscope Heritage Club, Toronto
  • Kaleidoscope Publishing
  • Dr. Halász János Library, Toronto
  • First Hungarian Presbyterian Church of Toronto
  • St. Erzsébet Hungarian Catholic Community, Toronto
  • Pro Hungariam in Canada Association, Toronto
  • Hungarian Cultural Society of Greater Vancouver
  • First Hungarian Presbyterian Church, Vancouver
  • Hungarian Presbyerian Church of Vancouver
  • Hungarian Social Circle of Victoria
  • Canadian Council of the Hungarian World Organization
  • Hungarian Engineers Society in Canada
  • Hungarian Scouts Organization, Foreign Branch 5, Canada
  • Hungarian Clerical Board in Canada

The National Alliance of Hungarians in Canada (NAHC) is a confederation of Hungarian member organizations in Canada. Founded at a general assembly on September 15, 2012, its charter declares that individual membership is only available to the Board of Directors and Honorary Board Members.

Membership Conditions

Any Hungarian organization in Canada can become a member of NAHC that have at least 10 members, agree to the policies of NAHC and pay the membership fee. For the NAHC policies refer to the By-laws.

Membership Fee

New members are approved by the Board of Directors. In 2013, the membership fee was $1 per member of the member organization. For example, for a member organization with 63 members, the membership fee was $63. At annual general meetings, a member organization can vote only if they paid their membership fee, and the number of their votes depends on the number of the members of their organization. This is outlined in the Rules and Regulations section. The members of the Board of Directors are individual members, also. Their membership fee is $50 per year, and exemption are the Honorary Board Members. If you or your organization wants to join NAHC, please contact the Secretary of NAHC by e-mail.

Board of Directors

At the time of its foundation, the Board of Directors consisted of three groups with a total of 17 board members.

Executive Board of Directors

President Dr. Dániel Feszty (Ottawa, ON) Assistant Professor at the Airspace Engineering department of Carleton University.
Vice-President Dr. István Fogarasi (Toronto, ON) Architect, ex-president of the Hungarian Society of Architects in Canada.
Vice President, Cultural Affairs Rózsa Dancs-Telch (Toronto, ON) Writer, winner of the Szervátiusz Jenő Prize, Editor-in-Chief of Kalejdoszkóp, a cultural journal published in English and Hungarian.
Vice President, Youth Affairs Tímea Kinga Stadler (Toronto, ON)
Vice President, Funding Béla Szeri (ottawa, ON)
Vice President, Media Rev. Dr. József Pungur (Edmonton, AB) Presbyterian reverend and scholar, ex-professor in Kenya and at the University of Alberta, author of many religious books and essays, Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian Reporter, the online newletter of the HNAC.
Vice President, Communications Tünde Volford (Guelph, ON)
Treasurer Zsófia Gábor (Ottawa, ON) Retired director of a giant electronics company in Canada, ex-vice president and treasurer of the Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre.

Territorial Vice-Presidents

Montréal and Québec Julianna Bódi (Montréal, QC) Pharmacy technician, retired teacher of the Hungarian school in Montréal for decades, currently, the civil representative of Our Lady of Hungary Catholic Parish in Montréal.
Eastern Ontario and Capital Region Dr. Tibor Lapohos (Ottawa, ON) Electrical engineer, co-founder and vice president of the Hungarian Students Society in Kolozsvár, long-time teacher of Hungarian folk dance to children, currently the president of the Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre.
Metropolitan Toronto Rev. Zoltán Vass (Toronto, ON)
South Western Ontario Zoltán Komáromi (St. Thomas,ON)
Alberta László Szabó (Calgary, AB) Contractor, Vice-President of the Hungarian Cultural Centre Calgary
British Columbia Tibor Ábrahám (Vancouver, BC) Construction entrepreneur, ex-president of the Hungarian Cultural Society in Vancouver, associate president of the Hungarian Diaspora Council in Canada.

Honorary Board Members

Youth Organizations János Pintér (Calgary, AB)
Hungarian Centres Katalin Szabó (Toronto, ON) Registered optician manager, president of the Dr. János Halász Library in Toronto, former president and board member for twenty years of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Toronto, former president of the Kodály Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble in Toronto.
Hungarian Churches Rev. Szabolcs Sajgó (Toronto, ON)


Member Organizations


  • Hungarian Cultural Society of Calgary
  • Hungarian Foundation of Heritage and Art in Alberta
  • Hungarian World Organization, Calgary Branch
  • Calvin Hungarian Presbyterian Church, Edmonton
  • Hungarian Cultural Community of Lethbridge

British Columbia



Individual Membership

The 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NAHC held in the fall of 2014, introduced a new membership class, i.e., the Individual Supporting Member. This allows, in addtion to organizations, individuals to become members of the NAHC, encourages them to participate in the work of the boards, make suggestions about future activities of NAHC, attend the AGMs, and receive first hand information about our actions through our email alerts and newsletters.

The Individual Supporting Membership is free, however, Individual Supporting Members cannot vote at general meetings.

Conditions of becoming an Individual Supporting Member are as follows.

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Compliance with the policies of NAHC

Note: By submitting the application below, you confirm that you fulfill these conditions and are eligible to become and Individual Supporting Member. Your personal data will be handled confidentially. Your membership will become active after the approval of the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consisted of three groups with a total of 17 board members.

Executive Board of Directors

President Gábor Vaski (Burlington, ON) Financial advisor, founder and president of the Extra Hungariam Foundation, ex-president of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Canada.
Vice-President Dr. István Fogarasi (Toronto, ON) Architect, ex-president of the Hungarian Society of Architects in Canada.
Vice President, Cultural Affairs Zsolt Bede-Fazekas (Toronto, ON) Founder and director of the Parameter Club in Toronto, editor and producer of the Independent Hungarian Radio, owner of the Pannónia booksotre, ex-president of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Canada, organizer of more than 600 cultural events.
Vice President, Youth Affairs Enikő Huber (Windsor, ON) Information technology entrepreneur, manager of the Hungarian school and active member of the Hungarian community in Windsor.
Vice President, Funding Margit Péterhegyi (Toronto, ON) Dental technicican, member of the Board of Directors of the Extra Hungariam Foundation, active member of the Hungarian community.
Vice President, Media Rev. Dr. József Pungur (Edmonton, AB) Presbyterian reverend and scholar, ex-professor in Kenya and at the University of Alberta, author of many religious books and essays, Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian Reporter, the online newletter of the HNAC.
Vice President, Communications Rózsa Dancs Telch (Toronto, ON) Writer, winner of the Szervátiusz Jenő Prize, Editor-in-Chief of Kalejdoszkóp, a cultural journal published in English and Hungarian.
Treasurer Zsófia Gábor (Ottawa, ON) Retired director of a giant electronics company in Canada, ex-vice president and treasurer of the Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre.

Territorial Vice-Presidents

Montréal and Québec Julianna Bódi (Montréal, QC) Pharmacy technician, retired teacher of the Hungarian school in Montréal for decades, currently, the civil representative of Our Lady of Hungary Catholic Parish in Montréal.
Eastern Ontario and Capital Region Dr. Tibor Lapohos (Ottawa, ON) Electrical engineer, co-founder and vice president of the Hungarian Students Society in Kolozsvár, long-time teacher of Hungarian folk dance to children, currently the president of the Ottawa Hungarian Community Centre.
Metropolitan Toronto Katalin Szabó (Toronto, ON) Registered optician manager, president of the Dr. János Halász Library in Toronto, former president and board member for twenty years of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Toronto, former president of the Kodály Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble in Toronto.
South Western Ontario
British Columbia Tibor Ábrahám (Vancouver, BC) Construction entrepreneur, ex-president of the Hungarian Cultural Society in Vancouver, associate president of the Hungarian Diaspora Council in Canada.

Honorary Board Members

Youth Organizations
Hungarian Centres Judit Török (Vancouver, BC) Liaison and educator, organiser of the cultural events of the Hungarian Cultural Society in Vancouver.
Hungarian Churches Rev. Miklós Szigeti (Vancouver, BC) Reverend of the First Hungarian Presbyterian Church in Vancouver.

Editorial Board

Rev. Dr. József Pungur
(Edmonton, AB)
Presbyterian reverend and scholar, ex-professor in Kenya and at the University of Alberta, author of many religious books and essays, Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian Reporter, the online new cast of the HNAC.
József Imre
(Toronto, ON)
Historian, political scientist, and researcher in Toronto, Canada. Mr. Imre has published widely on topics related to contemporary Hungarian history and Hungarian minorities in the Carpathian Basin. Joseph was awarded the Order of the Knights Cross from the 1956 Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association in 2007 for his work, and remains an active member of the Hungarian community in Toronto.
Dr. Gyula Kovács
(Ottawa, ON)
He started his career as a French language university professor in Toronto, which he continued at both universities in Ottawa. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Ministry’s newspaper. He studied and researched at Sorbonne in Paris and Toronto, and completed many professional and recreational translations for business and friends. He is an active part taker in the Hungarian community in organising demonstrations, church events, founding the Tulipán Dance Ensemble, authoring articles in newspapers. A long-time member of the Hungarian House in Toronto and the Friends of Hungary Foundation.

Historical Documents