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Chronicle, News, Press Releases, Announcements: Events:

Celebrating the Hungarian Way

2017-04-06 00:00

Kör közepén állok, Körbevesznek jó barátok, Körbevesznek jó barátok és rosszak…” (“I’m standing in the middle of


Memoir: The Great Hungarian Silence in (Czecho)Slovakia

2017-04-02 00:00

To Be Translated.To access the original text switch languages using the button below.


Movement for Szeklerland's Autonomy

2017-03-30 00:00

This is a Manifest for the Autonomy of Szeklerland. This document was published in Hungarian, English, Romanian, and sent


MKTV Interview with Gábor Vaski

2017-03-21 00:00

This file does not exist.


Celebration of March 15 in Montréal

2017-03-13 00:00

To Be Translated.To access the original text switch languages using the button below.
